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Re: Babylon 5 Wars (LONG)

From: Thomas.Granvold@E... (Tom Granvold)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 15:14:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Babylon 5 Wars (LONG)

On 17 Mar 1997, Mikko Kurki-Suonio wrote:

> On 17 Mar 1997, Alun Thomas wrote:
> > [First turn]
> > 3) Measure the distance (L ) from C to B and note the direction (H)
from C to B
> Measure angles? Sounds like trouble...
> > 4) Apply thrust L in direction H 
> > [ Next turn you are at B with velocity L in direction H ]
> > 5) Apply thrust L in the direction opposite to H
> So 
> a) You can turn as much as you like per turn

      It would be easy to put in a rule that limits the amount a
ship could turn, ie. rotate, in one game turn.

> b) Turning does not affect thrust.

       This depends on how you see the ship's engines work.  It the
same engines that provide thrust to the ship are used to turn the 
ship then turning would result in less thrust.	Another possibility
would be seperate engines for thrust and turning.  The ones for
turning would most likely be much smaller than the main engines
and could even have their own seperate fuel supply.  In this case
turning would have no effect on thrust.

Tom Granvold				       

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