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Re: Fleet Iniative

From: "W. Nitsche" <bnitsche@u...>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 13:16:15 -0500
Subject: Re: Fleet Iniative

On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, Sprayform wrote:

> I like the ideas Daryl posted ,taking on board the O.K. gunfight
> with the drawing fire ideas wraps up the following (in my opinion)
>    1. Each ship rolls 1d6 iniative (having a larger fleet will result
in a
> greater number (and chance )of higher rolls, this might have been the
> concept behind the published rules giving the advantage to the largest
> fleet
>	6's fire first simultaneously and resolve damage to ships. 
>	5's fire second ....etc
>	     ----This has the right feel and is easy to play

Personally, when I've demoed FT I've always considered all damage taken
during the turn to be simultaneous.  I disliked the rules that damage
results are taken immediately, with the sides taking turns on fire. 
said, I'd like to add a bit of an initiative system.  I think having
sort of random initiative would work best.  The D6 suggestion does seem
work well and you could either put out a die next to the ship or jot it
down on the playsheet before fire.  But considering the length of a game
turn (minutes in game time?), I'd like to use something less equally

I'm personally thinking of using a couple copies of The Great
Dalmuti as the randomizer.  If you're not familiar with it, the deck has
twelve 12s, eleven 11s, 1.  This way you still have a random
element, with fire happening a bit more simultaneously.

A temporally displaced		Bill Nitsche (
	hobbit			Oceanography, University of Washington

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