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B5/FT: Combining Armor and Interceptors?

From: "Mark A. Siefert" <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 20:43:53 -0500
Subject: B5/FT: Combining Armor and Interceptors?

	Although I still want to keep the 30% MASS for DP on my B5
Rules, I'm
reconsidering my "no armored hulls" rule.  I decided that even though B5
ships can blow up very easily, they should get a little more
protection.  However I'm stuck on how I can keep this sort of thing fair
and playable.  I am worried about how armor will work with my "pluse
cannons as interceptor rules."	Here's an example of my problem:

	"An Narn CA (with 4 batts and and 4 C batts, armor 2.) is
against an Centauri Vorchan Warship (1 A, 2 C's, armor 1) which is about
9 inches away.	The Vorchan treas the Narn to a full spread and rolls
5,3,6,6,2: a potenital 5 points.  Since the Narn used one of it's
firecons in an earlier attack, it can only use up to two of it's
batteries to intecept (the player set all of her pluse cannons to
intercept).  The player choose to us two of her B batts to defend and
rolls four dice. She fudges and rolls 5,3,4,1: two points of
interception.  She must transfer 3 points to her hull.	How will armor
effect the new damage?

	Any ideas on how I can handle this.
Mark S.

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