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Re: Oh, the Humanity !

From: Rod Dunne <rdunne@c...>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 22:57:21 -0500
Subject: Re: Oh, the Humanity !

At 08:09 PM 2/23/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Jim and I went down to Kingston Friday night to try and get some
>miniatures for Silent Death.  The event was being run as part of
RoyalCon at 
>Queen's U., and one of the tables in the hall was a Full Thrust game. 
>referee was putting his large collection of Kra'vak against a coalition
of 6 
>human players.  While the Kra'vak had one of each cruiser and capital
>and many escorts, the humans each had a battleship, three cruisers and

Yeah I was one of the victims.	I bought Full Thrust a few weeks ago and
begun painting the NAC and ESU fleets that I got with it.  But I had
read the rules and not played yet.  I knew the Kra'vak were supposed to
tough and that death was inevitable.  So to find out how tough, I sent
NAC BattleDreadnought at "Full Thrust!" into the heart of their fleet. 
figured I might get through and out the other side but... holy shotguns

PS That Silent Death dolphin ship mini is sure cool though.

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