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Re: Robot Ship Rules for solo play

From: Thomas Heaney <Thomas@k...>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 18:19:17 -0500
Subject: Re: Robot Ship Rules for solo play

In article <>,
>Robot Ship Rules
>These rules relate to SIMPLE robot ships for solo play and are adapted
>the SFB training manual. The robot ship has a designated target ship
for which
>these rules apply.

For solo play, I use a system similar to the one used in the X-Wing/Tie
fighter games(ie 
, where a ship is given a target, and an order to follow.
These orders are fairly basic, ie Attack, Defend/Escort, Patrol,
Board/Capture, and the target does not have to be the ship that is
attacked, but could be, for example, the ship to be escorted when using
a Defend/Escort order.

How the programmed ship actually responds these orders is decided using
dice rolls and common sense.  Basically, put yourself in the position of
the Captain/A.I./whatever in charge of the ship, write down a few
options available, and assign dice throws to them.

For example, a destroyer has orders to defend an unarmed civilian space
station.  Two frigates are approaching.  The orders could be as follows

	D6	  1 - Approach frigates, do not fire until attacked.
	      2,3,4 - Spread fire evenly between both attackers.
		  5 - Concentrate fire on frigate A.
		  6 - Concentrate fire on frigate B.

Though this is more complex and time consuming than a rigidly programmed
enemy, it makes your enemy less predictable and gives a better game.

Hope this is of some use to you.


Thomas Heaney

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