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RE: Nova Cannon

From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:25:10 -0500
Subject: RE: Nova Cannon

Wow, this is the first time I actually like the idea of the NC. (Maybe
I'm delirious....)

"Captain, we're coming up fast on the outer corona of SD-207's nova
" All hands... brace for damage ! Ensign ! angle forward shields to
"No good Ma'am, her nova wave is not dissipating fast enough.. I'll

Excerpt from the 'black box' onboard CE-1871, NCS New Hampshire,
recovered after live fire drills conducted last year. 

>From:	Mike Miserendino[]
>Sent:	Friday, February 14, 1997 10:55 AM
>Cc:	George,Eugene M
>Subject:	Re: Nova Cannon
>Peter Caron wrote:
>>Got a question about the Nova Cannon...
>>Movement occurs before firing/moving the nova "ball".  What if
>>a ship travels through the fireball during the ship's movement.  Does
>>>take damage?  If so, does it take last turn's Nova cannon damage
>>or this turns.  If it's this turns, do I first replace the template
>>size?  What if, by doing so the ship doesn't hit the fireball?
>Since this is not implicitly stated, this is a tough call.  Since the
>"ball" affects all ships within its range and the ball is still active
>its last turn, I would think any ships moving in contact with the
>would be affected by it.  Just as mines are activated whenever a ship
>within their active radius.  Make sure all players agree to a decision
>this before play.
>Mike Miserendino

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