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New Mine Rules

From: NODUI@w...
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 00:48:21 -0500
Subject: New Mine Rules

Had some ideas for mine rules.	Here they are.


	A captor mine is a modified missile designed to be dropped
out of a mine dispensor rack and left to wait for someone, anyone,
to get close and activate it....

	Captor mines count as ten points per missile, and each one
takes up one slot in a minelayer rack.	The missiles are activated
by one of two trigger types-Command or Sensor

	COMMAND:The player controls the activation and targeting
	of each Captor mine.
	SENSOR:Any enemy ship that gets within 9" of the Captor
	sets it off.

	Captor mine attacks and damage are dealt like any other
missile(as per the MORE THRUST rules).


	A small, intensly powerful gravity generator, the gravity 
mine normally doesn't do damage.  It does, however, cause a ship to 
suddenly deaccelerate and make it more vunerable to other weapons....

	When a gravity mine goes off, a 2D6 is rolled.	For each ship,
fighter, missile, etc, etc, within 3" of the mine, they are slowed 
down that number of inches for that turn only.	If the die roll is 
more than the ship's current speed, the difference is applied to 
EACH damage threshold of the ship(to represent tidal stress on the
ship's structure).  Fighters are destroyed, one figher per point of
difference.  Missiles are all destroyed if there is a differnce.

	Each Gravity mine costs six points, and takes up one space
in a minelaying rack.


	A starburst mine is a small, yet intense EMP pulse.  While this
doesn't effect ships, it does cause sensors to go haywire.  That ship,
all ships within 3" of the mine, suffer as if they have been placed

	Each Starburst Mine costs six points, and take up one space in
a minelaying rack.


	A needle mine is a single-shot needle cannon fitted with a
sensor and thruster assembly.  Any ship that gets within 3" of the
mine is attacked as if hit by a neegle gun-the owning player of the mine
must state previously what system is to be targeted.  Once used, the
is gone.

	Each Needle Mine costs ten points, and take up two spaces in a
minelaying rack.

Jon Souza

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