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Re: Trek/SFB conversions

From: hosford.donald@e... (hosford.donald)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:15:34 -0500
Subject: Re: Trek/SFB conversions

At 06:22 AM 1/29/97 +1100, you wrote:
>hosford.donald wrote:
>> At 10:49 PM 1/27/97 -0500, you wrote:
>> >	   I would like to see some of the more interesting SFB ships
converted to FT.
>> >Maulers, anyone?  How about the B-10 or those amazing Federation
CVs?  What
>> about the
>> >Andromedans???  And let's not forget monsters...
>> >
>> >	   Mark
>> >
>> And how about those Gorn Cruisers!  They have the best phaser arcs in
>> game!  No matter which side you aproach them, they can hit you with 6
>> 1's!
>Don't forget the Klingon '6 o'clock' phaser hose, or the 60 degree off
>arc where (on the D7) 6 phaser 2s and all 4 disruptors bear. (even
>better on the C7 as they use Phaser 1s)
>Barry Cadwgan ( BCADWGAN@FL.NET.AU )
>"The end does not justify the means.  
> The end is the sum of the means,
> as the road travelled determines the destination." 
>Valijon Starbringer (Hellflower Trilogy, Eluki bes Shahar)

Ya!  My favorite tactic was to take a gorn DD add one Plasma torp to it,
then during the game plot a maximum speed of "turn mode 1" (that is
as fast as you can, and still have a TM 1).  This usually means a speed
3-6.  Too slow?  Not for a certain dedicated klingon player...he just
across the map, trying to beat my plasma reload!  When he was point
blank, I
let em have it!  My gorn DD lost a couple of shield boxs, and his ship
was a
cripple!  Three turns and it was over!	It certainly makes those
players" think twice after that!

Donald Hosford

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