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RE: Computer game

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@s...>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 22:58:20 -0500
Subject: RE: Computer game

At 05:58 PM 1/20/97 +0001, you wrote:

>Pot - Kettle - Black?
>Simon - until you can fix that Winmail.Dat attachment that a Gates 
>product fixes to your every mail I suggest criticising others for 
>noise is a little bit rich.

Hear, hear! I just scrubbed a bunch of WINMAIL.DAT files from my hard
all courtesy of Simon. No offence to Simon, but I've seen people bounced
mailing lists for less.

Allan Goodall: 
"You'll want to hear about my new obsession.
 I'm riding high upon a deep depression. 
 I'm only happy when it rains."    - Garbage

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