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Re: Superior Models, Inc

From: hosford.donald@e... (hosford.donald)
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 18:29:50 -0500
Subject: Re: Superior Models, Inc

At 01:43 PM 1/10/97 -0600, you wrote:

> Yes, they were my introduction to spaceship warfare a long, long time

My introduction to space warfare was WarpWar from Metagaming.  Even
it is too simple for most things, it still has that special feeling for

> I still have the original rulebook, book 2, and the recognition guide
> the Super Galactic Dreadnoughts that includes background on the
> and fictional stats of the SGDs.  ALNAVCO was the sole distributor of 
> Starfleet Wars as I remember. SFW is a very simple game based on power

> unit allocation, much simpler than even FT, but I think it sacrificed
> much for simplicity, for example ships could turn to any heading at
> time.  I still enjoyed the game and spent hours looking at the
pictures of 
> the ship minis.  Being to young to afford one of every ship like I
> I do have a Stellar Destroyer from each of the 5 empires that I
> with the deluxe rule set.

>From reading book 2, I was able to discover many things about the game.
didn't know it had the "free" manuevering.  But something I allways
to know, What was the power allocation requirements for the Partical
weapons, tractor beams, and the CIDS?  I have reexamined the examples
times.	I know the defencive and offencive factors you square the no. of
factors to get the Power factors...  Just curious...

> and flyers on SFW, even some color ones, and I have some extras or
> make copies so if anyone is interested, let me know.

Generally...What do these flyiers talk about?  Extra ships, new rules,

> I do have a question on some of the ships If anyone else has this
> The last two ships I received information on were new Galactic 
> Dreadnoughts (the size below the SGD) the Terran Valiant and the
> Jaguar(?).  The Valiant was triangular like a Star Wars Star Destroyer
> all other terran ships but where the SD's bridge would be, there was a

> second trapezoidal hull about a 1/3 the size of the main hull on which

> more weapons were mounted on top.  The Jaguar also has a secondary
> mounted above the main hull in the same fashion.
>	 What are the SFW stats on these ships? Can anyone help me? I
>	 been wondering this for over 10 years!
Can't help you there.  Sorry.

> Thanks for the info Donald, I will give Superior a call to get on
> list of those interested in reprinted SFW rules.
> Dean Gundberg

No problem....I would apreaciate any word you hear on this.  Thanks for

Donald Hosford
Registered ICC User
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