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Re: Fighter Groups (Full Thrust isn't a simulation)

From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 14:31:31 -0500
Subject: Re: Fighter Groups (Full Thrust isn't a simulation)

Bob Blanchett wrote:
>When did Full Thrust become a simulation (!)
>Trying to make Full Thrust a simulation by pissing about with ship
>construction or other core rules is like trying to build the Sydney
>Harbor bridge out of meccano.

I guess you had to be there.  You missed the point like trying to kill a
mosquito with a 155mm Howitzer.

>Try racing a model T ford at Indianapolis.

Haven't tried it, but if you're referring to the Indy 500, I have driven
3/4 ton '47 Dodge M37 on the Indy.

"There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded mosquito."  Monty Python

Mike Miserendino

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