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Re: Other Sci-Fi Genres (Was Re: FMA Fantasy etc.)

From: Brian Bell <103311.1205@C...>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 19:21:57 -0500
Subject: Re: Other Sci-Fi Genres (Was Re: FMA Fantasy etc.)

>	Here some other sub-genres we could play with:
>	Net-Running Wargaming: 

>	Victorian Sci-Fi Wargaming:

>	I am forgeting anyone?

With an address like cthulhu@... how could you not include "Extra 
dimentional, mystic-science, demon-god, there are some things that man 
was not meant to know, Cthulhulian-style" genre?

"Captian, sir! Picking up a large reading.
 Density equivilant to Sa'Vasku, but not fitting standard design 
 Power reading off the scale!!"
"Communications, Captian. There is a strange, incoherient flute music on

all frequencies."


Brian Bell

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