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Re: Points, Mass and FT3 [FAO MJE-JMT-GZG]

From: Alexander Williams <thantos@a...>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 19:09:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Points, Mass and FT3 [FAO MJE-JMT-GZG]

lojeck wrote:
> does stargrunt handle all the varieties of hand to hand that could
> (calvary charge, pike vs. blade, etc...)? if it does, I'll buy my
> this afternoon!

StarGrunt pretty much abstracts away the exact kind of weapon in use;
the important thing is how much damage it is capable of at close range
compared to the level of withering attacks it can issue.  All weapons
are issued a multiplier which gets computed by multing it by the number
of attackers in a squad, compared to a value computed from a die roll
for the armour involved.

I'm not saying SGII couldn't use some tweaks for fantasy to be covered
entirely, but like /all/ GZG games, the mechanics are clear enough as a
model that its trivial to either abstract things away or add a minor
thing to cover it.

Keep in mind that fantasy battles under SGII will be /highly/ dependent
on the moralle you can sustain in your troops.	Careful use of
leadership rallying and wearing down opponants from range with showers
of arrows or whatnot will be very important.

Alexander Williams {   ||Member: Evil Geniuses}    ||For a Better Tomorrow
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"Perhaps we should lower our mental trousers and compare the size of
 our consciousnesses?"
				       -- Jan Sands to Marvin Minsky

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