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Re: Why big ships.../modular ships

From: Brian Bell <103311.1205@C...>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 23:12:40 -0500
Subject: Re: Why big ships.../modular ships

-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
"if I take a 100 ton ship and give it one c battery, it has the same
offensive punch as an 8 ton ship with a C-batt. so their offensive
should cost the same amount in points regardless of the fact that the
larger ship has the potential to mount greater weaponry...

where the larger ship IS better (to account for costing more) is in the
ability to take damage...

better explaination?"
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------
If your take a 100 ton ship and give it a movement of 4,10 C batteries
and 10
level 1 screens, it has the same offensive punch as 10 10 ton frigates
with a
movement of 4, one C battery and 1 level screen each. The 100 ton ship
will win
every time. A balanced system would provide a 50-50 chance for each

Also check out my web page below for rules for modular superships.

Brian Bell

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