Large and Super ships
From: Libald@a...
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 15:14:40 -0500
Subject: Large and Super ships
In the huge battle I mentioned earlier (the 10000 point vs ~ 7000
campaign thing from below!), my enemy (Kevin) had a smaller fleet in
of ships than I did- not including the extra FTL tugs I used to get some
my non-FTLs to the table.
With so many points, he gave in to temptation and build a Mass 400,
non-FTL supersip (and a super-tug to get it to the battle). It easily
cut a
swath through my normal capital ships & cruisers in its path, dividing
firepower over 4-7 targets per turn and getting threshholds on each!
(Usually each ship was destroyed in 1-3 salvos, depending on how
it seemed.)
Everything was going pretty well for him, until two Longbows hit,
with 6 needle missile salvoes in the same turn! He only had 14 PDAFs to
divide, to he took quite a pounding. Bad luck on my part resulted in
one shield kill by needles... but it was midnight Sunday, so we didn't
do the
two thresholds that the missiles crossed. (OK, the third threshold was
advanced 7 by about 12 squads of fighters that took advantage of the
Anyway, until the missiles hit, he mopped me up with the supership.
was better than gold for him:) After he had lost his drive (both steps)
needles things might have changed, but he had enough ships left to cover
rear (it appeared... we weren't able to play it out).
[And we've sworn not to play that big a battle again, unless we have
full weekend and no other commitments...]