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Re: Armored Missiles

From: FieldScott@a...
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 11:37:51 -0500
Subject: Re: Armored Missiles

Chad wrote,

> I've noticed that some people on the list have complained that
>  are too powerful.  This has been the opposite experience in our
>  What we have seen is the mounting of 3-5 PDAF on a large Capital (100
>  mass) and smaller ships mounting an ADAF and maybe a PDAF as well. 
>  encounters usually mean that a typical missile will have to survive
>  8-12 dice of AF fire.  Not many get through.

Another possibility would be to go the "low-tech" route by halving
effectiveness and doubling the number you can carry/launch:

Mini-missiles:	Mass - 1,  Cost - 3.	Does 1d6 damage.
(you might also want to give it only a 2-turn life)

Thus you overwhelm the target's defenses. Some missiles get through but
less damage.

Just another idea,

POLITICALLY CORRECT TERMINOLOGY: Inadvertently comical euphemisms
mandated by
committees of humorless academicians for the purpose of offending no
escept believers in free speach.

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