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Re: New B5 Rules!

From: Matthew Seidl <seidl@v...>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 16:14:52 -0500
Subject: Re: New B5 Rules!

"<Mark Andrew Siefert>" <> said...
>Hello Everyone:
>	I am currently working on some new Babylon 5 conversions for
>Thrust.  I've put what I've done so far on the web (I intend to finish 
>these "test" rules next week.	I'll be out of town this weekend.)  You 
>can find the rules at: 
>	Let me know what you think.  I am yet to do the rules for 
>interceptors and a few other systems. 
>Mark A. Siefert

When I try to load this, I get a "no content" message, and when I look
at the directory its in, the file appears to be 0K.

-=- Matthew L. Seidl		email:		
=-= Graduate Student			Project . . . What Project?	
-=- Gamer, Re-Enactor, hecka stressed	We're here to make your life
=-= and trying not to be too homesick for the BA	 -Morrow Quotes 

Prev: New B5 Rules! Next: RE: DS2 Miniatures (was Re: Conventional DS2?)