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RE: Scale of FT (longish and contains physics......)

From: Adam Delafield <A.Delafield@b...>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 10:39:16 -0500
Subject: RE: Scale of FT (longish and contains physics......)

Date sent:  19-NOV-1996 16:36:18 

>There is actually enough information in More Thrust to calculate a 
>time and a distance scale for Full Thrust. The results are somewhat 

>On page 13 of More Thrust we have the rules for planetary orbits. If 
>we follow the sugestions there and take an Earth-type planet to have 
>a radius of 6" then we can get to work.

Errm.. Are you all right? I know a good psychiatrist if you want their
phone number.

>But wait, I hear you muttering, surely the rules in More Thrust are 
>optional, what about Jim Webster's idea of defining one table edge as
>the planet's atmosphere?

In this version, we don't have planetary gravity as a factor (no orrbit
sit in) so we can't do the same maths as before. Although the ranges
be smaller.

| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	      | Bolton Institute,  |
| #include "witty_saying"	      | Eagle Tower,	   |
| E-mail :	      | College Way,	   |
| Phone  : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK.	   |
| Fax	 : +44 1204 399074	      | BL3 5AE.	   |

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