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Re: Another dumbass Q

From: Oerjan Ohlson <f92-ooh@n...>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 05:44:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Another dumbass Q

On Sun, 17 Nov 1996, Thomas Payne wrote:

[on MT]

> Sounds good, BUT...
> Does it make it like Epic, 40k or some other tabletop games in that
the ship 
> with the "railgun" or "supah dupah nuclear-kill-eze deathstrike
missle" can 
> waste almost any other ship in one round?

Missiles, yes. Railguns, sometimes. The good thing with FT/MT is that
rules tell you to change what you don't like - and I think everyone on 
this list has changed at least something...

> Would my Epic stuff work with the DirtSide II rules? I hear it
sometimes does. 
> If it helps, I have an Eldar and Chaos Epic force.

DSII works with all 1/300, 1/285 or 6mm (well, they're all the same 
thing) models, including GW Epic. You'll probably want to add some house

rules for Eldar pop-up attacks and both sides' magic/psykers if you want

to keep the Space Fantasy flavour of Epic, but the models work just

Oerjan Ohlson

"Father, what is wrong?"
"My shoes are too tight. But it does not matter, because
 I have forgotten how to dance."
- Londo Mollari

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