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Re: Hallo?

From: rpaul@w... (Robin Paul)
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 06:08:27 -0500
Subject: Re: Hallo?

>On Thu, 7 Nov 1996, lojeck wrote:
>> I'd imagine its like we follow other countries stuff here... some of
>> are quite taken with politics and know who runs every country, the
rest of
>> us realize that pepsi and coke own everything anyway and don't bother
>> it...
>	Hey, it's either that or you buy your soda pop from "The
>Glorious Soft Drink Collective."

>Mark A. Siefert

That' what he said:  Pepsi and Coke...


Rob Paul
NERC Institute of Virology 
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SR	  Tel. (01865) 512361
  "Once again, villainy is rotting meat before the maggots of justice!"

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