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Re: Campaign Systems

From: osiris.1@i... (Warmaster Horus)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 02:35:46 -0500
Subject: Re: Campaign Systems

<concerning combing DSII and FT points> 

>> Why mate them?

In a long-term campaign, using the same "resource points" to purchase 
ground and space units allows players to emphasize which aspect of the 
game they prefer. E.g. one person may build a massive, tech-heavy space 
fleet with a below-average ground force, while his opponent's fleet 
might be composed of "blockade runner" type ships that are only 
intended to deliver a high-tech, powerful ground assault. The latter 
force can't afford to get into a slug-fest type space battle, but woe 
unto the enemy if the assault troops land!

Only real drawback to campaign economy rules is the bookkeeping. I am 
the only person I know who likes a super-involved, super-detailed 
campaign system (o.k., my cruiser got hit? Let me check the crew 
roster. Hmmm, ah, crew number #112, Lt.(jg)Mueller. Alright, roll again 
on the personal injury table.). O.K., maybe not *that* involved, but 
you know what I mean. :)

In games where resource points are tied to planetary control, the 
campaign becomes a delicate balancing act between building offensive 
and defensive units. Can you afford to build all those size-5, HEL/5 
FCON:SUP assault tanks, or should you scrap them to keep the "skies" 

Oh, jeez, I love campaigns! Too bad everyone I know thinks of them as 
"canned pains." :(

Christopher, Last of the Die-Hard Campaigners

"Go Steelers!"

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