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Re: B5 Miniatures

From: Matthew Seidl <seidl@v...>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 10:30:05 -0400
Subject: Re: B5 Miniatures (Jonathan Davis) said...
>>   Re:  Playing Full Thrust in Babylon 5 universe:
>>   First, I use Micromachines.  They have some disadvantages, e.g.
>> not all ships are available and they are all the same size miniature
>> no matter the size the the "real" ship.  But they are, AFAIK, the
>> only miniatures for B5 available.
>>    Second, I've played a couple of email B5 games.  These are a bit
>> slow, but a lot of fun.
>>     Also, there will be B5 ship miniatures available sometime in the
>> future in connection with a B5 game being designed.	Once they show
>> I'll probably buy a bunch of them :-)
>The miniatures for Babylon 5 Wars seem reasonably priced compared to
>figures available for the NAC, ESU, NSL, etc. at $6.50.  The real
>is the rules and boxed set of materials for Babylon 5 Wars.  They're 
>asking $45 for their boxed game and $25 for their follow on books.

Um, where did you get this info?  I thought the game was still under 
development?  Can you post a URL?

-=- Matthew L. Seidl		email:		
=-= Graduate Student			Project . . . What Project?	
-=- Gamer, Re-Enactor, hecka stressed	We're here to make your life
=-= and trying not to be too homesick for the BA	 -Morrow Quotes 

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