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RE: FT3, details of needed changes

From: Adam Delafield <A.Delafield@b...>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 07:25:52 -0400
Subject: RE: FT3, details of needed changes

Date sent:  9-OCT-1996 12:22:08 

>"Fast but unmanouvrable would certainly be an interesting option. Sure,

>you have lots of main drive thrust - but it turns much slower than the 
>smaller ships <g>"

You use the Realistic Movement rules Mike and Jon posted, plus my
little addition don't you? Give a ship a great big main drive with
tiny weeny thrusters 8-). Alternatively for the core rules use a
simple modification like, only 1/4 thrust can be used to turn.

>By the way what is the standard metric conversion for this game? My
best guess
>was 1" coverts to 25mm (adjusted apporximation for playability).

That's close enough, but you can use any conversion you like. Try
1cm == 1" for a larger play area.

| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	      | Bolton Institute,  |
|				      | Eagle Tower,	   |
| E-mail :	      | College Way,	   |
| Phone  : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK.	   |
| Fax	 : +44 1204 399074	      | BL3 5AE.	   |

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