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RE: FT3?

From: tsmccart@e...
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 08:31:10 -0400
Subject: RE: FT3?

Of course, the biggest thing in any Full Thrust game is your ships'
relative to fighters and missiles.  If your capital ships can safely go
than the fighters and missiles, and you use the optional rule where
move after orders and before ships move, then a one-point turn can fool
fighters and make them nearly useless.

I'd say that this is one of the things distinguishing many 'standard' FT

games.	If your velocities are all under 15, fighters will do impressive
amounts of damage.  If your velocities are over 15, fighters often won't
in range.

I don't see a way to codify that points-wise, however.


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