Re: Help!!
From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 16:04:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Help!!
John Dattalo wrote:
>I am just about to paint a newly aquired fleet of NAC and FSE anybody
>have any ideas?
Seems like you benefit from a picture section on the Web as well. I
my NAC with varying shades of grays with white and black details. My
ships will be painted varying shades of light blues with gray, white,
black details.
I started all these ships with a few coats of black acryllic primer to
a base as well help bring out the details (If you intend to paint the
light colors you may want to use white primer, but black will still help
give the ship definition). Subsequent coats of the actual colors are
sprayed on lightly to not completely wash away the black. I prefer my
to look realistic with attention to detail.
I always paint the exhausts black. I know some folks like to paint them
flourescent to make it look like they're running all the time, but use
whatever trips your trigger.
For detailing you can drybrush paint(similar shades of main scheme) to
enhance details as well as use inks to enhance panel lines. Don't
that these ships are huge and most intricate detail will not be visible
a distance let alone in the darkness of space.
I recommend checking actual photos of real ships as well as spacecraft
help get some ideas. I plan to use some cool camo schemes on my NSL and
Kra'Vak. These are some ideas that I use, hope it helps.
Mike Miserendino