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RE: B5 BREWs update.

From: Adam Delafield <A.Delafield@b...>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 09:30:06 -0400
Subject: RE: B5 BREWs update.

Date sent:  22-AUG-1996 13:55:36 

>--So you still have a central power store.

>Agreed the energy capacitor seems to fit, is the accounting easy in

Yes, provided you have a good play sheet. (I used OHP pens on a
play card)

>Your rules sound logical but it doesn't stick as easily as the
>A beam = 3 dice rules of the core do. I know its a trade off between
>simplicity & accuracy. I'd certainly need to keep referring back for
>all the if then else clauses about jump drives collapsing and capacitor
>brew ups.

The explosion itself is dead easy. Just roll a number of dice equal
to the number you have in the box, and add them up. The Jump drive
criticals may be too complex. I've been thinking of changing it to
1-3 minor, 4-5 inoperative, 6 Kaboom. So the results will be graduated
in the same way as weapon fire. A minor damaged jump drive could then
use the same grades. 1-3 works, 4-5 works, but roll again next turn,
6 Kaboom.

I'm thinking of changing the box with a number to a thermometer type
bar that you fill boxes in to represent charge, and rub em out as you
use it.

One thing I've found is that as I'm working on these rules, they are
getting simpler. And perhaps I'm the wrong person to playtest them.

>--I'm quite pleased with the arc reliant interceptors.

>I agree this gives nice tactical play with the right feel. Couldnt we
say that 
>the B%EW are the equivalent to A bats in other genres and using them
for point 
>defence is impossible. Why create a new class?  B%EW == AA or == A
bats. I'd 
>limit interceptor point defence to %DAF & C bat systems.

There does seem to be some confusion here. Using B*EW for defence IS
impossible. The point of contention is, do defenses work against them?
I say they do (Reduce damage by defence level, just as you would for
armour from a railgun), most everyone else says they don't. I'm quite
happy to have all the pulse cannons have some defensive capability. The
heavier ones are wasted in this role, but the option is there.

In effect they are not a new class, they are simply a new use for the
railgun rules. (I reverted to that last night because the others
were too complex)

>--Minbari BGEW (Big Green Energy Weapon)

>Good, better tech == no charge time.

Changed for tonights test to faster charge and bigger capacity.

>-- but lack intercept mode for their energy weapons

>But NOT earth / Narn lower tech weapons?

It's better not to be hit at all. It's the same thing with why Kra'Vak
don't have screens. They don't defend against their own weapons, so
why bother? Besides, the mechanics I'm using preclude mixing the two.
Both count as FT screens. (With armour and Screens all functioning,
a Minbari Warcruiser has defence 3 all round anyway, but it is different
(better) with a BREW attack. (-2 to hit -1 damage))

>-- and a 4)

>a 4 what?

Class 4 railgun (beam) 8-)

>--I always class the White Star as a Destroyer

>Its hard to get the scale against Shadow Ships, I always felt it was a

I always felt cruisers could fit Jump Drives, so I want for a maximum
escort. Besides, I'm allowing it to overfit on weapons to represent it's
superior tech.

>--RBREW (Big Yellow Energy Weapon and Really Big Red Energy Weapon)

>On my Tv Shadow cutting beam is Magenta or Violet, Earth Force & Narn
>BREW. :-) Vorlons have an energy ball weapon that the ships hold then
>release? This isn't covered.

The Vorlon ball projects a beam. And if you wanted to go into every
shade in exacting detail, we'd be here all day.

| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	      | Bolton Institute,  |
|				      | Eagle Tower,	   |
| E-mail :	      | College Way,	   |
| Phone  : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK.	   |
| Fax	 : +44 1204 399074	      | BL3 5AE.	   |

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