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I'm new here so please excuse me if these questions have already
been beaten to death.
I'm working on a Java (not Javascript, because my Netscape
apparently can't parse that) ship construction applet, and I have
discovered once again that the stock universe for Full Thrust contains
no odd numbers. Unfortunately, my universe does and therefore I need
to round various values. The question is: which way? Right now, I'm
rounding all costs up, and I'm also rounding the amount of available
mass for systems up (as per FT p. 26, "Non-FTL Ships"). If someone
knows better, please inform me. If you have a rule to back you up,
that's even better - please let me know where I can find it.
My gaming group has also been wrestling with some issues. For
example, PDAF is only allowed to fire at fighters that are attacking
the ship - what is meant by this? Hmm.. actually, as I was just
thinking about this it occurred to me that by "attacking" they might
mean "firing on". So PDAF can only be used immediately after a
fighter group fires on your ship. We've been thinking it can be used
if a fighter is _capable_ of firing on a ship. Well, if it really can
only be used on a fighter group that's firing on the PDAF-carrying
ship, then some timing issues arise - let's say I have an
ADAF-carrying ship that fires. My opponent then attacks another ship
with fighters. Can my ADAF ship now fire its ADAF at the fighters,
even though it has already had its firing action this turn?
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