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RE: Space Fleet: Would Like "White Dwarf" Articles....

From: Oerjan Ohlson <f92-ooh@n...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 06:22:51 -0400
Subject: RE: Space Fleet: Would Like "White Dwarf" Articles....

On Tue, 18 Jun 1996, Adam Delafield wrote:

> Date sent:  18-JUN-1996 15:23:19 
> >Hi everyone:
> >	Since my post regarding "Space Fleet", most of you have stated 
> >that the game is not worth the cardboard it's printed on (although
> >minis are quite nice).  However, many of you have stated that the
> >is anywhere between "pretty good" to "playable" using the"advanced" 
> >rules published in White Dwarf.  Since I am a person who likes to
> >my own decisions rather than have others make them for me, I'd like
> >see these rules.  After searching the WD Index I find that I need the

> >articles from these issues
> Most of the Eldar and Imperial additions can be found on the Space
> page. (Just follow the Wargames links on the SFSFW page).
Aaron's page (the one referred to above) has only pictures and stats for
Imperial and Eldar ships, not the extra rules (like advanced 
manouvering, fighters and boarding battles). He realized that GW didn't 
approve of his publishing White Dwarf articles :( He might or might not 
have typed in the articles from WD 139 to 141; I don't know.

I have the rules for Tyranid (bio-constructing aliens... and not 
benevolent like the Sa'vasku) fleets from WD 146 typed in; anyone 
interested mail me (but it might take a while before I can get to a 
computer again during the summer holiday).

Oerjan Ohlson

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