Prev: Attn: Steve Guffey Next: Re: Question about combat moves in SGII

Re: SG2 Rocks (!)

From: M.J.Elliott@u...
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 06:59:10 -0400
Subject: Re: SG2 Rocks (!)

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From: Elliott.MJ at BULL-UK03-TITAN
Date: 6/5/96 12:45PM
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Subject: Re: SG2 Rocks (!)

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Subject: Re: SG2 Rocks (!)
Author:  Elliott.MJ at BULL-UK03-TITAN
Date:	 05/06/96 12:45

John Phelps wrote:

>On another point, more important I guess, what is the scoop on
>organizations, scenarios, equipments, and/or aliens??	  Before you 
>misunderstand me, I'm not looking for money in exchange for ideas. 
>I'd be happy just being a part and getting an advance copy.  Does Jon
>more US playtesters?

Everyone is welcome to submit organizations, scenarios, equipments,
aliens etc including any computer utilities you might design. We (GZG) 
reserve the right to cut mangle or otherwise change any submissions 
received in any future publication. We will of course acknowledge all 
sources of ideas etc. I think we are OK for "official" US playtesters.

Please remember that anything that appears on this discussion list is
"fair game" for use by GZG (or anyone else for that matter).

Mike Elliott

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