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RE: FMAS Aircraft Rules

From: Douglas Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 12:53:33 +0000
Subject: RE: FMAS Aircraft Rules

Does this have anything to do with the attempt you made to fighter-bash

Is the 'inherent quality' going to be some modifier to the

' Carry over of fractional distances is allowed from turn to turn.' Have
any fancy mechanism to simplify the book-keeping?

Once again, any con outside of the heartland is looking unlikely, but
interested to hear more of your plans.


From: Gzg [] On Behalf Of Damond Walker
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 2:31 PM
Subject: FMAS Aircraft Rules

I'm toying with some aircraft rules for ECC using FMAS mechanics.
The rules themselves are stupid easy (probably too easy) but generally
work like this - I'd like to get them into a state where I can hand out
a QRS and get playing:
1) Purely 2d.

2) Aircraft are rated with a min speed and max speed.  Min is generally
3" while Max is related to Mach number e.g. Mach 2.2 = 22", Mach 1.6 =
16", etc.  Aircraft will have two ratings to game their ability to speed
up or slow down.
3) Aircraft will have a turn rating but it is a function of the
aircraft's speed vs. any inherient quality of the aircraft in question
(yeah yeah....).  The higher the aircraft's speed the longer the
aircraft has to move before a 60 degree rotation is allowed.  After
moving a certain distance the aircraft will be allowed one 60 degree
rotation left or right.  Carry over of fractional distances is allowed
from turn to turn.
4) Missiles will generically be Heat Seaking or Radar Homing.  They will
be treated like aircraft but their turn rating will be one higher than
an aircraft of the same speed.	Aircraft move before Missiles.
5) Each pilot will have a quality and motivation.  Some aircraft will
have guns.  Standard FMAS stats here (impact and firepower).  Aircraft
have a structure rating for damage rolls.  A generic "defenses" rating
for ECM and the like.  Aircraft will carry chaff and flares which the
player can dump to modify the incoming missile rolls a bit.  Pilots can
also conduct "defensive maneuvers" that will dump speed equal to their
motivation rating (mot 3 = losing 3" of movement) but allows for a
positive shift in their quality roll for defensive purposes.
6) Players will alternate activations.	Tailed aircraft must be
activated before non-tailed aircraft.

7) Each activation allows for two actions.  One action must be used for
movement.  The other action for combat or other non-combat actions
allowed by the scenario.  For a movement action the player first adjusts
their speed and then conducts movement.  For a combat action the player
chooses between a missile launch or guns.  IR missiles can only be fired
by tailing aircraft (basically) while RH missiles can be fired from all
8) There will be a very small handful of special maneuvers that will
allow wild maneuvering while dumping some speed.  Assuming the pilot
makes a good motivation check.	If they fail the motivation check they
dump speed but will not be able to change direction.  Folks who decide
to go Guns on them may get a +1 shift.

...there's more but not much more...but the above captures the general

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