Re: brief Fall In convention AAR
From: Roger Bell_West <roger@f...>
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2015 12:46:50 +0000
Subject: Re: brief Fall In convention AAR
On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 07:12:26AM -0500, Indy wrote:
>Firecons. I'm all good with how they are written. But there are
>(apparently, as I have now learned) some folks who feel they are too
>restrictive. "If you have two firecons on a ship, and five weapons, you
>only shoot at two ships?!? You can't shoot at five different targets??
>not? That doesn't make any kind of sense." This is where they are
It's an additional complication, but it's very true to real-life naval
warfare in the radar and missile ages. (These days there are all sorts
of cunning multi-tracking sensors, and you could argue that futuristic
space-war-ships will do the same, but if we were trying to make truly
realistic space war we probably wouldn't be starting from here.)
One could argue that it's almost always best to fire all weapons at a
single target anyway, of course...