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Urgent list question - anyone speak Chinese….?

From: Jon Tuffley <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2015 19:19:14 +0000
Subject: Urgent list question - anyone speak Chinese….?

An odd question, maybe, but does anyone out there in the ListMind either
speak Chinese, or have a friend/relative who does, and could answer a
quick question for me? I know I could use various online translators,
but I don't really trust them for something like this - I want something
that genuinely sounds right!

I need a believable name for Chinese military forces on the Moon in the
near future….. they are going to be the opposition for the USLM
(United States Lunar Marines)…. so what might they be called? I guess
what I need is a sensible term for them in English, and THEN the
translation for it?

Democratic Peoples' Space Forces?

Any help welcomed, whether you know the language or just if your
Google-Fu is strong today……?

Thanks!  :-)

Jon (GZG)

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