Prev: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it. Next: Messages being blocked

Message Blocked for Profanity?

From: Evyn MacDude <evyn.macdude@g...>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:32 -0700
Subject: Message Blocked for Profanity?

Er?!? Anybody else get a message like this?

Message as follows:

>Well recently I have been farting around with Power Projection which is
the Traveller Centric conversion of FT that uses vector. I also have
playing with GDW's Mayday which is also Vector using hexes and
counters. So lots of Vector recently, but I have been pondering the
cinematic movement for the next round, mostly to simplify for the boy
his crowd, who haven't played a lot of space games.

To the extent of the later I have been pondering a hex based fork of the
cinematic with a more freeform movement phase i.e. turn-modes for
hull size and engined ships. But this is still just back of the notebook
sorts of musings up there with skill based fire resolutions....<


Prev: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it. Next: Messages being blocked