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Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)?

From: Samuel Penn <sam@g...>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 19:16:32 +0100
Subject: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)?

On Tuesday 20 Oct 2015 11:43:23 Jon Tuffley wrote:
> Right, so my first question to you all: MOVEMENT SYSTEM(S) IN FT?
> What Movement System do you use, or have you used in the past when
> been actively playing FT? 

I haven't played much since the Fleet Book came out (and it's been
small battles rather than the big 20,000pt battles we used to have), 
but it's always been the vector movement system since then.

I find it much easier to plot movement with vector, and it's easier
to explain to newcomers. However (I don't remember whether it's part
of the 'official' rules or not) I use a movement token for each ship,
showing where it's going to move to next if it doesn't accelerate.

I wouldn't say that I find it slower than cinematic (extra time spent
moving ships is countered by less time having to think), but with a 
large number of tokens and ships the table could get messy.

A cinematic-only system would no longer interest me.

Be seeing you,	      Games:
Sam.		      Posts:

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