RE: New Full Thrust point defence rules
From: Douglas Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 13:51:29 +0000
Subject: RE: New Full Thrust point defence rules
Thanks so much for the effort, Hugh!
I will say, I think the direction is wrong, though. I still think the
problem is not the archie rules, but rather the fighter rules.
SML have never seemed to be the issue that fighters have, though I
remember thinking they were until I got the whole 'speed is life' rule
going. Heavies are closer to fighters, save for the whole 'one shot and
you're gone' concept.
I've never hid my distaste of fighters in the game. There are a few
convenience aspects of fighters that handwavium them to great heights.
They not only have magic movement, they have clairvoyance. Just a BIT
However, going with them as they are, has anyone played with my "What
the hell kind of traffic control is this?" idea that only a limited
number of craft could make a coordinated attack? I know in Star Wars,
they could only get a few fighters in on the trench attack at a time.
Pretty sure I've seen similar examples.