Re: Crusty Ship Codenames
From: Phillip Atcliffe <atcliffe@n...>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:34:53 +0000
Subject: Re: Crusty Ship Codenames
On 21/12/2014 20:06, Roger Bell_West wrote:
> Fair point, but NATO used all of K, S and C for different series as
> well. All the Cs were hard sounds, and the list (perhaps worth
> stealing from) is:
True, but the subjects of those series were sufficiently different for
possible confusion to be minimised. No-one was going to expect a C
codename to be fired at them, for instance. If you heard a hard C sound
in context of being shot at a target, it was obvious that the subject
was actually an ASM, not a transport aircraft. Similarly, a soft C --
which doesn't happen in the NATO system -- would inevitably be an SSM.
The Kra'Vak/Sa'Vasku/Crusty situation is different, in that all 3 series
refer to starships; it's just a question of whose. If I were responsible
for UNSC code-names, I'd use another letter.
I do agree that the NATO transport aircraft list is an excellent source
for new Cruaty class names.