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Re: Crusty Ship Codenames

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 00:20:33 +0000
Subject: Re: Crusty Ship Codenames

>  >Jon,

Sorry all, didn't notice that this was via the list rather than a 
direct email, hence my personal reply directed to Dean - however 
(thankfully!) it doesn't have anything in it that I'm not happy with 
the list at large reading, so feel free to suggest contributions!  ;-)

Jon (GZG)

>Hi Dean,
>>The last 4 Crusty Starships released have class names (can I buy a
>>vowel?) and UNSC Codenames in the online store.  The minis released
>>before that just have class sizes.
>Yes, when I released the last four classes I had a little bit of time
>to think about the background for them, so decided that they really
>needed names - the Crusties' speech is meant to be virtually
>unpronounceable to humans, because it's a complex series of clicks,
>whistles and hisses from their very insectoid mouthparts - the
>transcribed "real" ship names are the closest that human vocals can
>get to them, and even so they'd probably be very hard for a Crusty to
>understand... hence the need for human codenames, as we did with the
>K'V, the S'V and the Phalons.
>I had meant to go back and name the rest of the fleet, but like with
>so many things it kind of got lost in the demands of other stuff that
>is higher up the priority list.....
>So the short answer is no, I don't have any yet.... I can try to find
>a few spare minutes to give it some thought, OR you're very welcome
>to see what you can come up with yourself - if you do, maybe you'd
>run the ideas past me, and between us we can narrow down an
>"official" set!
>All the best,
>Jon (GZG)
>>Do you have class names and codename for the rest of the minis, or
>>you check your sources in the GZGverse future to see what they are?
>>I would like to include them in the updated Full Thrust Fleet Resource
>>page with stats and SSDs.
>>Dean Gundberg

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