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Video of GZG items at Salute.

From: bilgepipe@m...
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 08:49:59 +0100
Subject: Video of GZG items at Salute.

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Hi All,

I failed to pop this around initially. Please note that the first 80% of
the video is 15mm gaming. The last section has the new GZG release and I
think you might even hear Jon talking.	Skip to the end if you don't
want to hear me droning for 5mins.

video link here:

On 26 Apr 2012, at 06:00, wrote:

> gzg-d Digest				Volume 2012 : Issue 67
> Today's Topics:
>  GZG news: POST-SALUTE UPDATE!	 [ Ground Zero Games
<> ]
> Administrivia:
> Administrivia:
> mail to leave the GZG Digest
> archives at
> in case of problems, contact
> From: Ground Zero Games <>
> Subject: GZG news: POST-SALUTE UPDATE!
> Date: 25 April 2012 09:25:31 GMT+01:00
> To:
> Tuesday 24th April Update  -
> Well, SALUTE is now over and done for another year - next show for us 
> is SHEFFIELD TRIPLES in about a month, on the 19th/20th May - more 
> details on that nearer the time. SALUTE went incredibly well this 
> year, over 30% up on 2011 and certainly our best day there for many 
> years! We saw lots of our regulars there, and many new faces too, and 
> everyone seemed to have plenty to spend. Recession? What recession?
> So, now we're back, the van is unloaded and I've got stuck into 
> clearing the orders that piled up during the couple of weeks 
> immediately before the show - there were quite a lot of them, but 
> I've got a very large number packed and posted already, and by the 
> end of this week I hope to be pretty much up to date and back to the 
> usual quick turnround time. For those of you who have outstanding 
> orders with us, thank you very much for your patience and they will 
> all be with you soon.
> Many of you will have seen our new 15mm Mecha either at the show or 
> on various blog posts since - I won't be putting it up on the store 
> until I've fully caught up with the outstanding orders, but if you 
> just HAVE to have one (or several!) before that then feel free to 
> email me and we can deal with it as a special order via Paypal - the 
> same goes for the TW figures pre-release sample packs. More news soon!
> Jon (GZG)

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