Re: Question to all, re Mecha kits...
From: Samuel Penn <sam@g...>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 10:33:17 +0000
Subject: Re: Question to all, re Mecha kits...
On Saturday 03 March 2012 17:42:42 Ground Zero Games wrote:
> When you get a kit of a gaming mecha (something for use on the table,
> as opposed to a Gundam-type plastic kit for display), how important
> is "poseability" to you? By that I mean the flexibility to choose
> exactly how you pose your particular model when you build it, as
> opposed to having to assemble it in one fixed pose determined by the
> manufacturer.
Beyond standing/kneeling/aiming not at all important.
> If you were faced with a white-metal Mecha kit with LOTS of parts -
> let's say anything up to 40 separate components - which effectively
> had almost every joint poseable, would you panic and never build it?
I'd never buy it.
Even your PA troops have caused too many headaches, and they have three
or four pieces. The big issue is when the parts don't match up
and you have to spend ages filing fiddly little joints so that they
actually fit together.
More than a few pieces would be too much of a nightmare.
Be seeing you, Games:
Sam. Posts: