Re: Core systems and other stuff
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 20:25:21 +0000
Subject: Re: Core systems and other stuff
On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 07:13:58AM -0500, Tom B wrote:
>2. I thought cores didn't start until Threshold 2 (which is half for 4
>row hulls... I made the Tauri 5 row because their tech wasn't as
>mature as the Asgard or Goa'uld and they frequently had flashy
>overloads....)... but I could not find the line of text that said
FB1 p5:
'If using the "core systems" rules, these three systems are grouped
together on the ship systems diagram, with a box drawn round them.
Whenever the ship reaches a threshold point, the systems within the core
box are each rolled for as normal, but at +1 to the current threshold
number - thus at the first threshold point, where systems are lost on
rolls of 6 only, the core systems do NOT need to be rolled for (as they
would only be lost on a "7"). On the second threshold, where normal
systems go down on rolls of 5 or 6, the core systems are only hit on
rolls of 6, and so on.'