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Re: GEOHEX Terrain

From: Evyn MacDude <infojunky@c...>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 18:02:11 -0800
Subject: Re: GEOHEX Terrain

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On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 11:55, Mike Stanczyk <>

> On Tue, 28 Feb 2012, Michael Brown wrote:
> > GeoHex was patented and he let it lapse.  I think you can still get
> info
> > from the US Patent Office.	I visited them while they were still in
> > production, the key was the jigs they used for cutting.  Every piece
> > hand cut, it was the fastest and cheapest option (he did look at
> "casting"
> > processes with the folks that make packing inserts)
> I've seen the Patent.  Not helpful.  ;-)
> I've always suspected that there was something sneaky/cool going on
> production.  I've always felt that the pieces fit together in some way
> for easy production not just cool hills.  I just couldn't see how.

I have from the gents at Monday Knight Productions that the big secret
the jigs use to make the cuts. Everything beyond that was pretty much as
you expect.

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