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Re: Happy Christmas GZGers

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2011 09:11:39 -0600
Subject: Re: Happy Christmas GZGers

Ground Zero Games wrote on 12/26/2011 07:14:32 AM:

> Hehehe, yes, I well remember that version being played on local radio
> round here every Christmas....

Wow, and I thought it was a national(USA) phenom! INTERNATIONAL sick

> Oddly, I heard a tune on either TV or radio the other day, and though
> "why are they playing The Red Flag...?" before realising it was meant
> to be a rendition of "Tannenbaum".  ;-)

Lacking a real labour party, or anything actually left wing in this
country, I had to do a bit of Googling. Thanks for that!

Not that I mind, outside of a very few Reaganites, having no real
Monarchists in the country, either. ;->=

By the way, Grinch, way to go on quashing hopes on FT3; next you'll be
saying BDS isn't on the horizon. *duck*


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