Re: [GZG] FT Rounding
From: Eric Foley <stiltman@t...>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 17:07:19 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
Subject: Re: [GZG] FT Rounding
To my knowledge, the Fleet Books have always rounded anything below .5
down and everything .5 or higher up. I've consistently used this in the
time I've been playing. It does lend itself to a certain amount of
min-maxing (e.g. anything with a level 2 screen, thrust 2 drives, and/or
a cloaking device should just about always have a mass number ending in
4) but not by enough that it's really that significant other than at
really low masses... and low mass ships pop so quickly when you sneeze
at them that I'm not that worried about that myself.
-----Original Message-----
>From: Samuel Penn <>
>Sent: Apr 17, 2011 8:22 AM
>Subject: [GZG] FT Rounding
>Hi all,
>How does rounding of mass when designing FT ships officially work?
>e.g., if I have a mass 22 ship, with thrust 4 and FTL drives, this
>comes to 4.4 mass for the thrust, and 2.2 for the FTL.
>I add all percentage masses together (to give, e.g., 6.6) then
>round any fractions up. Designs I've seen on the Star Ranger site
>gives a total mass of 6 for the above example however (I'm guessing
>both have been rounded down, to give 4 + 2).
>An example in the Fleet Book rounds halves up, but doesn't appear
>to say what to do with smaller fractions.
>Be seeing you,
>Gzg-l mailing list
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