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Re: [GZG] Contributors wanted for Babylon 5 fleet book

From: Jerry Han <jhan@w...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 00:51:00 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Contributors wanted for Babylon 5 fleet book

On 18/01/2011 5:16 AM, Hugh Fisher wrote:
> I'm looking for contributors for a Babylon 5 fleet book
> for Full Thrust.

Aaron Newman did some extended stuff for EFSB, so, people
may not have to completely re-invent the wheel for your
B5 fleet book.	(I don't know if Aaron's still on the
list or not... he'll be at GZG ECC though.)

This version dates from 2001, so, not all the AoG /
Mongoose stuff is in there, but, it's a pretty
good unofficial supplement.


** Jerry Han - - -
My heart has been worn, but it ain't broke;It may hiccup and cough black
It may seem old, but it still runs; My love has laces that won't come
					-- Jason Plumb, "Satellite"
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