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Re: [GZG] Does how people think influence the decisions they make?

From: Richard Bell <rlbell.nsuid@g...>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 23:06:31 -0700
Subject: Re: [GZG] Does how people think influence the decisions they make?

Obviously, this is purely anecdotal, but I will recount the tale,

I used to load steel pieces into a walking beam furnace.  During the
winter, I would often be loading from buckets of steel pieces that
were all frozen together.  At these times, I would pick up a 15-3/8"
by 2.99" by 0.788" piece of steel weighing nearly ten pounds
(generally, there were always between a few dozen to several hundred
of them in easy reach) and whack the pile to unstick the material.  I
was temporarily moved to another furnace, loading different material
when I encountered the same problem.  I immediately searched for my
preferred blunt instrument.  Among the objects noticed and rejected in
my failed search was an odd lump of metal, from which protruded a
wooden stick.  On my second pass, while looking for a something else
to whack the material with, I realised that the lump-on-a-stick that I
initially rejected was a two pound sledge hammer, and a much better
tool for the task.
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