[GZG] FMAS Thrust
From: Damond Walker <damosan@g...>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 11:06:42 -0400
Subject: [GZG] FMAS Thrust
Has anyone tried to mash the FMAS mechanics into a starship combat
game? I've been thinking of several approaches over the last few days
and I think it'd work for large fleet battles. My goal is to use FMA
style mechanics and not rely on a time consuming order phase or
thresholds for damage.
Using the standard d4-d12 scale I'd have statistics for Crew, Thrust,
Offenses (ability to hit), Defenses (ability to evade, jink, ECM,
CIDS, etc.), Weapons (actual guns and missles), and Hull.
Using alternate movement the ships would move up to Thrust MU. You
could combat move a ship (ala All Ahead Flank) or run silent. These
movement types would provide a +/- 1 shift to defenses depending on
movement type.
Combat would be comparing the high roll of Crew and Offenses vs. Crew
and Defenses. If the attacker beats the defender a hit was scored.
Damage is computed by rolling Damage vs. Hull. If he attacker beats
the hull roll the target ship is given a debris token. If they beat
by double the target is disabled. If they beat by three the target is
mission killed. Beat by four and the target explodes Star Wars
Debris tokens follow the damaged ship and each will give a -1 shift to
weapons, offenses, and defenses...
Each activation will consist of 2 or 3 actions (undecided though
probably 2 actions) with one action always being a move order while
the second (or third) may be shooting or repairing damage (removing
debris or disabled tokens).
A points system, of sorts, would simply be adding up the die facings
of the various ratings and multiplying it by the crew.
Other options include flotilla/group moves and firing, transferring
actions, etc.
Anywho that's what I'm thinking about at the moment. Has anyone tried
this before and care to relay your experiences?
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