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Re: [GZG] A number of scientists respond to Hawking's concernsabout Aliens

From: emu2020@c...
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 16:25:08 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [GZG] A number of scientists respond to Hawking's concernsabout Aliens

Gzg-l mailing list

Of course there is every reason this could easily go something along the
lines of "....we have promised ourselves that we we would not make these
same mistakes, but we failed. We have since realized that this is folly.
Prepare to die!" 

Another possibility is, "Oh....thisp lace is yours? Sorry, we really
didn't notice you there." 

Still another, "I realize you are intelligent and that you have
developed culture, but we are starving and your planet represents the
only supply of fresh food in the sector" 

Or perhaps, "...but you are so damned tastey" 

How about, "We'd love to have peaceful coexistence bu the fact that you
don't eat your mates after breeding and selectively cull your young is
an afront to our way of life." 

"Five fingers? Really? that's too weird." 

In all seriousness I like the fact that Hawking was willing to accept
the fact that aliens, if encountered have just as much of a chance to be
a foe as a friend. 


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