Re: [GZG] How much acceleration do you need to dodge beams and other weapons?
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 11:27:15 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] How much acceleration do you need to dodge beams and other weapons?
Indy on 01/19/2010 07:41:40 AM:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 8:23 AM, Robert Makowsky <>
> Tomb,
>> With G-suits and some angle of seat pilots today can do limited 9g.
>> I would think that with full acceleration couch and perhaps some
>> exotic tech (blood pump or some such) that 9-10 sustained for
>> minutes would be possible.
> But do you want to have entire crews, who presumably are on rotating
> shifts, constantly suited up in tech to offset the 9-10 G pressures?
Constantly? At battle stations? I admit we've postulated turn times of
minutes rather than seconds, but we can postulate
equipment/training/med-support that increases ability to handle and work
high G.
> Of course, running at 5 G isn't going to be any fun for anyone on a
> ship, esp damage control peeps who are trying to get from one area
> to another with their rolls of duct tape. :-)
> Mk
I've always thought of battles as limited periods of high G inefficient
drives interspersed with long periods of closing/disengaging involving
thrust, efficient drives. High thrust fuel 'endurance' vs. high G
'endurance' are both concepts I accept as below the granularity of the
Plenty of room for optional rules, of course.
However, any tech that give high G, high efficiency thrust would seem to
infer gravitic compensators somehow...
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