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Re: [GZG] FT Vector: Alternative Fire Resolution Distance

From: Hugh Fisher <laranzu@o...>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 21:03:36 +1100
Subject: Re: [GZG] FT Vector: Alternative Fire Resolution Distance

>Full thrust turns can easily be imagined to be 15-20 minutes long with
>distances covered in the hundreds, thousands or possibly tens of
>thousands of kilometers and engagement ranges from several hundred kms
>out to several hundred thousand kms. Space is big and in order to hit
>things, with enemies manouvering at long distances and ships firing at
>'enemy location probability envelopes', weapons throw out a lot of
>rounds/shots/pulses in one game turn. The damage accrued in the game
>is the result of the sustained fire over a round rather than the
>instantaneous result of a single shot at a particular point.
>In order to adjudicate the result of fire, a modification to the
>existing rules is applied when determining range between ships. While
>moving both the firing and target vessels and establishing their new
>vector. establish the midpoint of the movement by measuring back
>halfway along the vector between their start and end point for the
>round. Fire is considered to occur at a range that is the distance
>between the midpoint marker for the firing and target vessels. Some of
>the fire will have occured further away than this point, some closer,
>but the average will be somewhere in the middle.

I rationalize the move - fire sequence in an FT turn
as representing weapons fire that starts in the middle
of the turn and extends up to the middle of the next.

| Turn	| Turn	| Turn	|
     F i r e F i r e F i r e

By making this assumption, weapons fire IS taking place
at the midpoint of the move.

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