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Re: [GZG] How to do Stargate style shields as an FT FB system

From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 01:14:07 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [GZG] How to do Stargate style shields as an FT FB system

Gzg-l mailing list

Our group use regerating armour to simulate star trek and SG1 shields.
Regerating armour in our rules acts like a point of armour i.e absorbs a
point of damage. At the end of the turn you roll a dice for each point
of armour that absorbed damage and is so "offline" on a 5+ the armour
recovers and comes back on line. on a 1 the armour is dead and won't
come back (genreator burned out sort of thing).

This tends to produce the right sort of effect with calls of things like
"shields holding at 75% captain and shields down to 30% "

You can then defeat shields with a sustained barrage of shots or with
armour piercing weapons.

You could then combine that with phalon shell armour for thicker

Ship designers have to them decide how much shielding you want and how
much hull you want to cope with any AP or semi AP weapons.

The AP effect of beam weapons can simulate the kind of effects you see
in the shows with limited blow outs and systems failing before the
shields go down.

Ori and Asgard weapons might be best simulated by large calibre K guns
rather than beam weapons. The weapons on the hive ships might be K-1s.

We also use a technology called a pinpoint shield that will stop any hit
on a 5+. The player can use each shield once per turn and can allocate
the shields to stop each hit after the dice have been rolled to hit but
before any bonus damage is rolled. These kinds of shields are good on
larger ships to protect against a small number of larger hits but you
can be nickel and dimed to death. This could be the kind of shields used
on the Goa'uld that had partly ascended.

Ori and Asgard weapons could be the heavy beams or grazers.

For ancient drones we have used a smaller missile we created called a
standard missile 1 mass in a rack 2 endurance 2d3 damage. gives about
the right effect or they could be a torpedo bomber one use fighter

Human nuke missiles might be the Anti Matter Missiles, they seem to ahev
a large blast effect and kill enemy ships if they get a good hit.

1) Goa'uld Ha'tak Mothership weapons: Seem to be Pulse Torp like, at
least in bombardment roles.
2) Human railgun weapons: K-1s (perhaps configurable for point defense)
3) Ori Superbeams: Either EFSB style heavy beams or else big Grasers
4) Ancient Drones: Sort of a sacrificial attack fighter cloud (some
get destroyed on each attack run, eventually you'll run out, can be
destroyed by fighters or potentially railguns or PDS systems)
5) Replicator Pods: Don't ask, I have no idea yet.
6) Wraith Weapons: Beams (at least they can be simulated thus).
7) Darts/F302s/Death Gliders: Fighters.
8) Human Missiles: Salvo Missiles, might also be targetable at fighters.
9) Puddle Jumper: Fighter, perhaps even an attack fighter given the
drone weaponry.
10) Asgard weapons: Beams similar to the Wraith.

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